Un placer, amigos

Es un honor para mi el que visites mi página y espero que descubras algo que pueda interesarte. Además de reproducir los breves artículos de opinión que en días alternos publico en el diario El Progreso de Lugo, sobre variados temas del día a día, también procuro insertar pinceladas de actualidad, de contenido histórico (no al uso) o costumbrista para hacer más amenos los textos, viajes..., aparte de incluir algunos enlaces que pueden ser útiles en determinados momentos. También os invito a seguirme. Un saludo cordial desde la romana y amurallada ciudad de Lugo, la Lucus Augusti, en España.

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

Bajan los pisos, sube el valor catastral

Lo plantea muy oportuno y lo explica mejor Vicente Quiroga. El ex alcalde de Lugo aborda en Abre la muralla, en facebook, los abusos de los valores catastrales, cuando el precio del mercado inmobiliario se redujo en muchos casos el 40%, en lo que se refiere a los pisos, y el de los terrenos edificables en más del 50, injusticia que se une al de los impuestos de transmisiones patrimoniales fijados por la Xunta, que siguen siendo los mismos o que incluso subieron. Eso quiere decir, según señala Quiroga, que la contribución (IBI) se cobra muy por encima de los valores catastrales reales (un 40%) y que la Xunta liquida los pisos por el doble de su valor. Pero los recaudadores, implacables e imbuidos por una insaciable voracidad de caja, miran para otro lado, como si este país siguiese siendo el de las maravillas; en vez de realizar los ajustes, proporcionados y a la baja, suben los impuestos. El ex alcalde lucense lo considera un robo y pide que se exija una reducción concordante. Tiene toda la razón.

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Playing online games can be a very fun activity and it is an activity that people from all around the world enjoy. The information in this article will help you navigate the world of video games without buying a poor game, or one that isn't age-appropriate.

Don't let gaming consume your life. Too much online gaming can be unhealthy. You need to be sure that you do other activities too. Computer Games can be addictive, so just make sure that you moderate your usage.

In today's video game world you can oftentimes find lots of stuff available on the Internet. You will be able to download games for your game system, PC or mobile device. While convenient, it's also somewhat risky. Don't buy on a whim; make sure you evaluate your budget first. Before you spend your hard-earned money on a new game, do some research on it first.

You are able to get your rest when you die! If you have used this statement before to justify your game playing, you are not alone as many believe it to be true. However, this is false! Make sure you get a good eight hours snooze time in each night, to be ready and able to strategize yourself to the next level!

If you have children, be sure to limit the time that your child spends on computer games. More than two hours a day can strain their eyes and interfere with other activities.

When playing side-scrolling 2D games, always check to the left to see if there are any hidden items or passageways. Don't overlook high ledges or walls that may have invisible entry points, either. Never feel silly when you check out strange areas of the game, you just might find something valuable.

Never clean your system, no matter the age, with strong cleaners. Lightly blowing can help to remove dust, and this is often all it takes to get things up and running. You can destroy your console if you use harsh chemicals on it.

Saving is important, even in auto-save games. Until you feel that you know how the game works, this is the best option. Refrain from overwriting your games too often, as this can have its disadvantages. Having more than one save allows you to rewind without starting over.

Check out ratings when buying games for children. These games are rated for a reason. Any game with ratings like A or M are totally inappropriate for children. Check the website of the ESRB to learn more.

All games have ratings thanks to the ESRB. Games are appropriate for ages 3 and older if they receive an EC or Early Childhood rating. If your children are six and older, a rating of E is appropriate. A rating of E+10 is for people older than 10 years old. If your game is rated T, it is suggested that you be 13 or older to play it. "M" (mature) rated games are for people who are at least 17 years old. AO indicates the game is just for adults and RP signifies "Rating Pending."

Figure out how to operate the safety and parental controls of any gaming system that comes into your home. You can likely make adjustments that keep kids from viewing mature content. Some allow each gaming profile to be customized separately, allowing adults to enjoy games not meant for younger audiences.

You will find playing online games to be quite fascinating and enjoyable. These games can increase your speed, increase your brainpower, or simply help you escape stress for a while. Take you game higher with the great advice in the article above.

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